There is a legal requirement for manufacturers of fire doors to demonstrate the ability of their products to resist the passage and spread of fire. However, if they are not properly maintained, their fire resistance capabilities can be seriously compromised. Under the RRO (Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order building owners, Land lords, estate managers and many other people now shoulder the legal responsibility for fire safety.
DPT Ltd have now met the requirements for the Exova BM TRADA scheme for Q-Mark Fire Door Maintenance and Installation to STD058 & STD052.
✓ Fire door surveys
✓ Fire door maintenance
✓ Fire door repairs
✓ Labelling & Traceability
✓ Client Reassurance
✓ Yearly contracts

These services can be carried out on new and existing buildings, provided with a personal professional service with over 40 years’ experience behind us. For our fire door maintenance service please contact: or call us on 0208 903 9561.